обложка и статья в журнале MoralModa

Я очень рада рассказать Вам о том, что в октябре вышел журнал MoralModa с обложкой и статье в нем о madam Leona König/ Я счастлива, т.к. обложка и статья из моих фото, которые мы снимали вместе с Леона Кенинг летом. Помимо того, что Леона чудесная девушка и просто красавица, она управляет МУзыкальным
ниже я привожу цитату с сайта:
‘‘Music has the power of producing a certain effect on the moral character of the soul, and if it has the power to do this, it is clear that the young must be directed to music and must be educated in it.“
Music has always been the most important element of cultural life for people.
Therefore, children should grow up being surrounded by music and also being educated in it.
As a mother of a very musical daughter, I have founded the “International Music Foundation for Highly Gifted Children” (abbr. IMF), in April 2016, which is based in Vienna. Its purpose is to support talented children between the ages of 5 and 14 in their musical development, and it shall furthermore make classical music accessible to a broad audience.
This support is carried out through organizing gala concerts and benefit concerts in Vienna, Prague and other European Cities.
The foundation will host at least three concerts per year in Vienna, within a stunning setting such as the “Konzerthaus” and other honorable Viennese concert halls.
As part of an audition, six months prior to each gala concert, a professional jury will select 15-20 of the best pianists, who will be performing.
Great classical artists will be invited to those events and they will select the best pianist to recognize at the award ceremony following each concert.
The prize is a scholarship for the free participation in our Masterclass, which takes place in Vienna every summer (July).
The proceeds from the benefit concerts will support the less fortunate children, who are otherwise not able to afford a musical tuition.
Become a member now and help us to achieve our goals.
DI Leona König,
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